- Error “Unsupported variable type for ZXXXXX (Error : INF )” when using variable type precalculated value set in Web Intelligence Java applet and rich client.
- IN HTML, this error follows the Prompts dialog after you receive "Error trying to refresh current report" first.
- No error is received when the same document is executed in BI 4.0 SP05+
- SAP Business Intelligence Platform 4.1 SP01, SP02
- Web Intelligence
- BI launchpad
- Rich client
- JRP / Java Applet
SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform 4.1
SP02, SP03, SP04, ADAPT01718424, ADAPT01718425, ADAPT01718646, ADAPT01718647, error, zconleh, regression, wis 00000, precalculated, web intelligence, webi, usupported variable type , KBA , BI-RA-WBI , Web Intelligence , Bug Filed
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