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1968054 - Log messages not found for exceeding the numb of allowed logins or user connections - SAP IQ


  • When the number of logins allowed by an IQ login policy or the number of user connections configured for an IQ server is exceeded, a message is displayed to the user but is not found in the .iqmsg log.
  • Monitoring that is scanning the .iqmsg log does not pick up the condition to send a DBA alert.
  • Here is an example of a login attempt, using SAP Open Client isql on a Linux system, that exceeded the login policy limit. The error message was displayed to the user:

$ isql -Uqctest -Pqctest
Msg 13303, Level 16, State 0:
SQL Anywhere Error -1212: Connection disallowed by login policy for this user
ct_connect(): protocol specific layer: external error: The attempt to connect to the server failed.

  • Here is an example of the number of user connections to the IQ server exceeding what is configured using the -gm parameter in the startup configuration file. The error message is shown to the user, but not logged in the .iqmsg log file:

$ isql -Uqctest -Pqctest
Msg 1601, Level 21, State 0:
SQL Anywhere Error -102: Database server connection limit exceeded
ct_connect(): protocol specific layer: external error: The attempt to connect to the server failed.



  • SAP IQ 15.x
  • SAP IQ 16.0


SAP IQ 16.0 ; SAP Sybase IQ 15.2 ; SAP Sybase IQ 15.4


Request Log, -zr, configuration , KBA , BC-SYB-IQ , Sybase IQ , How To

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