Scenario 1: "Request for Change" with one ‘Cancelled’ (Withdrawn) "Normal Change" and one active "Normal Change"
There are two Normal Changes in the Request for Change Scope for "Request for Change", and one of these Normal Changes is ‘Cancelled’ (Withdrawn) and the other active Normal Change is ‘In Development’. When using the "Change the Project Assignment" feature on the active Normal Change, the project is only reassigned for this Normal Change and the link between this Normal Change and the Request for Change is broken. The result will be that the "Request for Change" only remains linked to the ‘Cancelled’ (Withdrawn) Normal Change, and only has one Normal Change in its Request for Change Scope. - Scenario 2: "Request for change" with two active Normal Changes
This situation occurs if there are two active Normal Changes ‘In Development’ in one Request for Change. When using the "Change Project Assignment" feature on the first Normal Change, the project is only reassigned for this Normal Change and the link between this Normal Change and the "Request for Change" is broken. At this point, only the second Normal Change remains linked to the "Request for Change". When the "Change Project Assignment" feature is used on the second Normal Change, the outcome is as expected and the project is reassigned in both the "Request for Change" and this Normal Change. - Scenario 3: "Request for Change" with one "Normal Change" and one "General Change"
This situation occurs if a Request for Change has both a Normal Change (SAP change) and General Change (Non-SAP change), both ‘In Development’. The feature "Change the Project Assignment" is only available for the Normal Change. Changing the project assignment for the Normal Change results in the project being reassigned only for this Normal Change, and the link being broken between this Normal Change and the "Request for Change". The "Request for Change" only remains linked to the General Change, and only the General Change is its Request for Change Scope. -
Scenario 4: If document flow is Incident - "Request for Change" - "Change document", then the link between Request for Change and Change document disappears.
- Other Scenarios: "Request for Change" with one "Normal Change" and one "Urgent Change" or "Request for Change" with two active "Urgent Changes"
SAP Solution Manager 7.1 and above
SAP Solution Manager 7.1 ; SAP Solution Manager 7.2
RFC, NC, SOLMAN, UC, SMHF, ZMHF, SMMJ, ZMMJ, solution manager 7.2, SOLMAN , KBA , SV-SMG-CM , Change Request Management , Problem
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