When running the job Human_Resource_Load_DIMS_20_SAP you recieve an error similar to the following:
VAL-030169: |SESSION Human_Resource_Load_DIMS_20_SAP Work flow contains unconnected components. Connect the components. The only components which may remain unconnected (thereby allowing parallel execution) are calls to work flows or data flows which have no output parameters.
Additionally, when validating the workflow WF_HumanResource_DIMS24_SAP, you will recieve the following error message:
[Work Flow:WF_HumanResource_DIMS24_SAP]
Parallel execution of sequential flows is not allowed. Use only one sequential flow (all flows are sequentially connected) or use the parallel execution (all flows are not connected). (BODI-1111177)
When viewing the workflow WF_HumanResource_DIMS24_SAP in Data Services Designer, you can see that two of the Workflows are connected.
HRRM, SBOP, can't, errors, .msi , KBA , EIM-RMA , Rapid Marts, BOW , EIM-DS , Data Services , Problem
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