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1973527 - Reloading a SQL Anywhere 11 database to later SQL Anywhere versions will result in external environments referring to version 11 executables in the SYS.SYSEXTERNENV system view


  • When reloading a SQL Anywhere 11 database to a new major database version, the original executable names of the external environments (dbexternc11 and dbextclr11) still appear in the SYS.SYSEXTERNENV system view.
  • No problems are encountered when launching the external environment processes when using external envrionments. 
  • The current version of the process (e.g. dbexternc12 / dbextclr12 or dbexternc16 / dbextclr16) that matches the major version of the database server is launched as appropriate at runtime.



  • SAP Sybase SQL Anywhere 11
  • SAP Sybase SQL Anywhere 12
  • SAP Sybase SQL Anywhere 16


SAP SQL Anywhere all versions ; Sybase SQL Anywhere 11.0


11809796 , KBA , BC-SYB-SQA , SQL Anywhere (on premise, on demand) , Problem

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