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1974177 - P00, P0A or R19 syslog errors occurs and work process start up fail


1. System failed to start up or log errors at syslog

2. Dispatcher stop due to Work Processes died error.

3. At dev_w* trace, you notice a error related to the Role file:

M ***LOG P00=> /usr/sap/<SID>/<instance>/data/<FILE> 
R *** ERROR => leave rrol_init: open failed
M ***LOG R19=> ThInit, rrol_init ( ROLL-000011)
M in_ThErrHandle: 1
M *** ERROR => ThInit: rrol_init (step 1, th_errno 14, action 3, level 1)

or related to the Paging file ():

M ***LOG P0A=> /usr/sap/<SID>/<instance>/data/<FILE> 
M ***LOG R19=> ThInit, pg_init ( PAGE-000001)
M in_ThErrHandle: 1
M *** ERROR => ThInit: pg_init (step 1, th_errno 15, action 3, level 1)

Depending on the version the error may look different, for example:

M ***LOG P0A=> /usr/sap/<SID>/<instance>/data/<FILE> [rpag.c 321]
M *** ERROR => ThrtInitPaging: pg_init failed [thrtAbapEnv. 211]
M *** ERROR => ThrtAbapEnvInit: ThrtInitPaging failed (-1) [thrtAbapEnv. 542]
M *** ERROR => ThrtStartup: ThrtAbapEnvInit failed (-1) [thxxext.c 207]
M *** ERROR => ThCallHooks: event handler ThrtStartup for event CREATE_SHM failed (-1) [thSos.c 2158]
M *** WARNING => ThIPCInit: create shm hook failed (?-?-?), shutdown server [thxxhead.c 1668]

<NR> = instance number

4. The syslog (SM21) report errors like:

|P0 |A|Paging file <PATH> could not be opened 
|R1 |9|Initialization PAGE Failed, Return Code -000001
|P0 |0|Role file <PATH> could not be opened
|R1 |9|Initialization PAGE Failed, Return Code -000001



Roll Area:

  • SAP Netweaver system kernel <= 72X

Page Area:

  • SAP Netweaver system all releases


rrol.c thxxhead.c rpag.c DIR_ROLL rdisp/rrol_file profile parameter ztta/roll_area rdisp/ROLL_MAXFS rdisp/ROLL_SHM DIR_PAGING PAGFIL DP_SHUTDOWN_UNKNOWN_REASON , KBA , BC-CST-MM , Memory Management , BC-CST-STS , Startup Service , Problem

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