- The complex table data or delete query does not get run in every transmission
- How to instantiate to run the complex table data and delete steps in the Agentry editor?
- If the Check Complex Tables is set to Every Transmission and the option "User Request - Allow user to check for table updates" is enabled in the Agentry editor then the following occurs:
- The first time the application is initiated, the data query is called. However, only when the user specifically selects "Check for Table Updates", the data and delete queries are launched in the next transmission only
- After this transmission, the "Check for Table Updates" is automatically unselected and both queries will not be launched again in transmissions unless "Check for Table Updates" is selected in the mobile device again
- If the Check Complex Tables is set to Every Transmission and the option "User Request - Allow user to check for table updates" is disabled in the Agentry editor then the following occurs:
- The first time the application is initiated, the data query is called
- Subsequent transmit does not run the data nor delete query
Agentry 6.0.32
Agentry 6.0
KBA , MOB-SYC , Syclo Mobility , Problem
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