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1978418 - BI4.1 - Webi report prompts can't see list of values in each group/batch.


  • A Webi report has a prompt that is based on a "List of Values"
  • The LOVs are displayed in batches/groups on the prompt screen.
  • When the "+" icon is selected, the LOVs are not expanded so they can't be seen or selected when using the HTML Web Viewer.



SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence 4.1


SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform 4.1


ADAPT, ADAPT01719049, 01719049, 1719049, bug, defect, TE5050163237, 5050163237, batch, batching, group, grouping, refreshing, + sign, '+', spin, cannot select lov folder, spinning, hangs, circular, spins, stuck, hierarchy, hierarchies, expand, html, web, circular , KBA , BI-RA-WBI , Web Intelligence , Bug Filed

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