SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

1980428 - The Quantity Field is not Editable in Project Invoice Request


You have created a project related sales order for item type:Service - fixed price (project).For few items, the quantity is maintained as 1ea. ("ea" is a Unit of Measurement).

Now, you create a project invoice request and in the "Refine Invoice Items" tab, you are able to edit the quantity for all the items which have quantity greater than 1 ea but not for the line items with quantity 1 ea.


SAP Business ByDesign

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to Project Management work center
  2. Select the relevant project under "All Projects" view
  3. Now select New-> Project Invoice Request->Create Manual/Automatic Project Invoice Request
  4. Under tab "Define Invoice Items", propose invoice items – using sales order items
  5. Navigate to tab "Refine Invoice Items", and try to edit the quantity where 1 ea is maintained
  6. The field is grayed out. Other line items with quantity greater than 1 ea are editable


As per the standard Items with Fixed Price, invoicing method follows:

If the Reference Sales Order item Quantity is not equal to 1:

The quantity is relevant for the calculation of the net value. So, while creation of the New Project Invoice Request, the Quantity field is editable and you can manually change the quantity.

If the Reference Sales Order item Quantity is equal to 1:

The quantity is not relevant for the calculation of the net value. The amount is considered to be a lump sum for the service or expense. Hence, while creation of the New Project Invoice Request, the Quantity field is not editable and you cannot change the quantity.


You can enter a quantity greater than 1 in preceding sales order document, then the quantity is relevant for the calculation of the net value and the field will be editable in project invoice request.

See Also

Refer Help Document: Create a Project Invoice Request for a Customer Project


Project invoice Request, Refine Invoice Items, Service - fixed price (project), quantity , KBA , project invoice request , refine invoice items , service - fixed price (project) , quantity not editable , SRD-PRO-INV , Projects Customer Invoicing , How To


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