You use SAP Solution Manager 7.1 (or later) and edit a IT service management documents on the Web UI interface.
When you save a document, the document is getting in Display mode and you need to select the Edit button again to continue editing the document or the document is getting in Edit mode but you would like document goes to Display mode.
- SAP Solution Manager 7.1
- SAP Solution Manager 7.2
Transaction &1 is being processed by user &2, CRM_ORDER E013, CRM_ORDER013, CRM_ASYNC_SAVE, lock, sm12, table CRMD_ORDERADM_H, sm_crm, crm_ui, incident management, solman, solution manager, SUP, inactive, display, edit, IM_READONLY_AFTER_SAVE, AGS_WORK_CUSTOM, CRM_1OSAVE , KBA , SV-SMG-CM , Change Request Management , SV-SMG-SUP , Service Desk / Incident Management , CRM-BTX-BF , Basic Functions for Business Transactions , Problem
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