SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

1984338 - Crystal Report in a web viewer not paging past first or second page


  • Using the Crystal Reports SDK for Visual Studio .NET.
  • The report's first page displays as expected.
  • Paging to second or third page of a multipage report fails.
  • No errors are thrown, but page does not change.
  • Additionally, when a page number is manually entered (e.g.; page 6), the report will display the page, but paging back, the viewer displays page 1.


  • SAP Crystal Reports, developer version for Microsoft Visual Studio
  • Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 / 2012


  • The report viewer code was in the Page_Load event:
Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load

    CrystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = "C:\tests\formulas.rpt"

End Sub


  • Perform the report viweing at Page_Init:
Private Sub WebForm1_Init(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Init

CrystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = "C:\tests\formulas.rpt"
End Sub

See Also

  • Page_Init is raised before Page_Load.
  • Page_Load event does not guarantee that controls on the page are fully created when the page is used.
  •  In addition if a postback occurs this event is not fired again.


crvs cr4vs 2010 2012 1st 2nd scroll move preview view screen , KBA , BI-DEV-NET-SDK , .NET SDK / COM SDK , How To


SAP Crystal Reports, developer version for Microsoft Visual Studio