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1986248 - LOAD TABLE cannot recognize the row delimiter - SAP IQ


  • LOAD TABLE statement may get a wrong position of row delimiter on Windows environment.
  • This problem may occur when a fixed width file has many rows.
  • This problem is not reproduced in SAP IQ 16.0 or later.
  • From IQMSG log you can see the following messages:

I... 0000000320 [20748]: Offset 0, Length 10, 0 nulls, A->varchar col1
I... 0000000320 [20748]: Offset 0, Length 10, 0 nulls, A->varchar col2
I... 0000000320 [20585]: Row Delimiter: \x0d\x0a
I... 0000000320 [20571]: *** Record size: variable, Block size: 500000
I... 0000000320 Insert Started:
I... 0000000320 TESTTAB
I... 0000000320 Exception Thrown from db_sqlins.cxx:11995, Err# 139, tid 155 origtid 155
I... 0000000320 O/S Err#: 0, ErrID: 4098 (db_sqlexception); SQLCode: -1013061, SQLState: 'QCA61', Severity: 14
I... 0000000320 [20631]: Missing row delimiter detected during a row delimited insert.
-- (db_sqlins.cxx 11995)
I... 0000000320 Exception Thrown from db_sqlins.cxx:11995, Err# 139, tid 2 origtid 155
I... 0000000320 O/S Err#: 0, ErrID: 4098 (db_sqlexception); SQLCode: -1013061, SQLState: 'QCA61', Severity: 14
I... 0000000320 [20631]: Missing row delimiter detected during a row delimited insert.
-- (db_sqlins.cxx 11995)



  • SAP IQ 15.x
  • SAP IQ 16.x


SAP Sybase IQ 15.2 ; SAP Sybase IQ 15.4


row_delimiter, CR667051, -101306, 667051 , KBA , BC-SYB-IQ , Sybase IQ , Bug Filed

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