- Merged dimensions from SAP BW BEx Queries that contain variables (mandatory hierarchy or characteristic prompts on the BEx Query) will display #SYNTAX on refresh
- Subsequent refreshes remove the merged dimension from the report table
- Re-adding the Merged Dimension to the table displays the values as expected until the next refresh
- This behavior causes problems with variables and functions that rely on the merged dimension:
- Example: =First([Value Block])
- In the above formula [Value Block] is a merged dimension
- If we check the formula after refresh, it changes to-
- =First([??L2??])
- This issue is not reproducible on Patch 1.5
- SAP Business Intelligence 4
- SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise
- Web Intelligence
- SAP BW BEx Query
SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform 4.1
ADAPT01720023, ADAPT01720023, first, merged dimension, Patch 1.6, #syntax, merge, dim, missing, refresh, multiple, run, query, gone, removed, disappear, blank, formula, variable, question marks, ??, L1, L2, ADAPT01720022, ADAPT1720022, ADAPT, 01720022, 172002,2 5000542881, ADAPT01721114, ADAPT01721115, SP01, 1.9, SP03, 3.1, SP04 , KBA , BI-RA-WBI-FE , Front End/Client , Bug Filed
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