SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

1988297 - Live Office Object Properties changes are not saved


A dashboard based off of a Live Office connection to a webi document is re-pointed to a webi document in another folder on the BI Platform.  The location of the webi document folder is changed in the Object Properties panel.  After saving the dashboard to the platform and re-opening it, the Object Properties still shows the that the original webi document is being used.

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Create a dashboard based off of a Live Office connection to a webi document.
  2. Save the dashboard to the BI Platform.
  3. Open the dashboard from the platform for editing in the Dashboard Designer.
  4. Click on the Live Office tab in the spreadsheet area.
  5. Click on the Object Properties button under the Live Office tab.
  6. Choose a new similar formatted webi document to bind to.  Use the Webi Document Location "Choose" button"
  7. Point to the new webi document location.
  8. Close the Object properties panel.
  9. Click on the "Refresh All Objects" button.
  10. Save the dashboard to the BI Platform.
  11. Reopen the dashboard from the BI Platform.
  12. Open the Object properties panel from the Live Office tab.
  13. Note the original webi document location is still specified.


The Live Office connection still refers to the original webi document connection.


After pointing to the new webi document location and rereshing all objects, execute the following steps:

  1. Click on the Data Manager and open the connections area.
  2. Delete the Live Office connection.
  3. Click the "ADD" button to add a new connection.
  4. Select the Live Office connection.
  5. Enter the web service connection URL.
  6. Close the Data manger.
  7. Save the dashboard to the BI Platform.


LO, Dashsboard, , KBA , BI-RA-XL , Obsolete: BusinessObjects Dashboards and Presentation Design , Problem


SAP BusinessObjects Dashboards 4.0 ; SAP BusinessObjects Dashboards 4.0, feature pack 3 ; SAP BusinessObjects Dashboards 4.1 ; SAP BusinessObjects Xcelsius Enterprise 2008