Does HR_TRIGGER functionality detect multiple positions assigned to the employee?
Does HR_TRIGGER functionality create a request having the roles from multiple positions?
SAP GRC Access Control 10.0
SAP GRC Access Control 10.1
HR Trigger Function ID, code generated, slg1, se37, GRAC_HR_TRIGGER_EVENT_RECIEVER, PERNR, PLANS, employee key, employee data, action ID, cl_grac_hr_trigger, fill_system_request_lineitem, it_infty_fld_value, /GRCPI/SAPLGRIA_HR, /GRCPI/LGRIA_HRU10, /GRCPI/GRIA_GET_FLD_VALUE, get_infty_field_value, it_infty_range, /GRCPI/CL_GRIA_HR, display organizational assignment, organization plan, org structure, percentage, position, multiple position, pa40, org structure, percentage, organizational plan, multiple positions, Organizational plan, Percentage, Org Structure, organizational structure, fetching roles, detect, PA0001, HRP1001, HRP1000, PA40, PA30, SAP HR, HR, position, job, info type. , KBA , GRC-SAC-ARQ , Access Request , How To
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