- SOLMANREQU business role is assigned to a user but when a user is creating an incident using this business role, it doesn't show "Guided Procedure" view of Incident creation. Instead it shows same view as when creating an Incident from SOLMANPRO Business role.
- Whenever the incident ticket status is set to "Proposed Solution" or "Author's Action", and the end user reply with the text block "Reply", it doesn't trigger the auto status-switch to "In process".
A user logged on to SM_CRM with SOLMANREQU business role and displays an incident but it does not get the key user view for the incident instead it shows the processor view.
SAP Solution Manager 7.1 SP05 and above
SAP Solution Manager 7.1
WEBUI, ZSOLMANPRO, ZSOLMANREQU , KBA , SV-SMG-SUP , Service Desk / Incident Management , Problem
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