- Users does not have sufficient authorizations to execute a BPC processes / programs / data manager packages.
- Users does not have sufficient authorization to get BPC report results.
- "Role ZBPC* does not exist"
- "You are not authorized to assign user group XXXX to role ZXXX, system XXXCLNTXXX"
- "User does not exist"
- SAP Business Planning and Consolidation 10.0, version for SAP NetWeaver
- SAP Business Planning and Consolidation 10.1, version for SAP NetWeaver
- SAP Business Planning and Consolidation for BW/4HANA
- SAP Business Planning and Consolidation 11.x for BW/4HANA
Authorization check, ST01, authorization trace, EPM Add-In, BPC web client, S_RS_COMP, S_RS_AUTH, authorization object, user, security error, not allowed, authorization error, SU53, user error,BPC 10 NW RFC Destination authorization RFCPING SM59 error dump, ABAP, Business Planning and Consolidation, security setting, user security, data access profiles ob not start found no result records not written BPC embedded RTC consolidation model BPC standard 10 10.1 RSZCOMPID, S_RS_COMP, /CPMB/TQ2* UJE_VERIFY_SECURITY_DATA with the option "Fix security data if has error" to correct the authorization data. additional authorization BPC related authorization roles BPC Data Access Profiles (DAP) RSBPC_BBPF RSBPC_MODL RSBPC_TEAM RSBPC_WKSP RSBPC_USER RSBPC_ENVM RSBPC_ID RSBPC_DAP, RUN_LOGIC:An exception was raised;RSZCOMPID, S_RS_COMP, /CPMB/TQ2*, New backend BPC roles are not being generated after creating new task profiles and data access profiles;CUA, Text comparison, UJ0_CREATE_SINGLE_ROLE, SUSR_ZBV_GET_REMOTE_PROFILES.the role assignment is deleted , KBA , package status: error , run_logic:an exception was raised , ujp_ownership_editor , agr zbpc_hwu000001 , has incorrect value. , does not have auth object s_rs_comp , dmp link execution failure - authenticat , authentication error message , troubleshooting , EPM-BPC-NW-ADM-SEC , Security , EPM-BPC-NW , NetWeaver Version , BW-PLA-BPC , BPC 'embedded model' , BC-SEC-USR-ADM , Users and Authorization administration , How To
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