During an update using SUM, SCAs are getting error with Prerequisite Violated and there are Unresolved dependencies as below during DEPLOY-SHADOW-INSTANCE step:
The below error are for example only:
Error: Validation Exception during deployment phase
[ValidationException],cause=[[ERROR CODE DPL.DC.3085] An error occurred while checking the deployment items selected for deployment.
The following 4 deployment items are not admitted for deployment:
1sdu id: []
sdu file path: [E:\EPUpg\SUMTool\sdt\EPZ\JC04\j2ee\cluster\server0\.\temp\tc~bl~deploy_controller\archives\26\BIBASEE05_0-
version status: [NEW]
deployment status: [PrerequisiteViolated]
description: [
1. The component is met more than one time within the deployment batch. As it differs by its properties than the
others same components into the batch, the Deploy Controller cannot decide which one has to be deployed.
Other sdu:name: [], vendor: [], location: [SAP AG], version:
[7.0115.20131205103252.0000], software type: [FS], csn component: [], dependencies: [[]], archive type: [DC]]
2sdu id: []
sdu file path: [E:\EPUpg\SUMTool\sdt\EPZ\JC04\j2ee\cluster\server0\.\temp\tc~bl~deploy_controller\archives\26\BIBASES05_0-
version status: [NEW]
deployment status: [PrerequisiteViolated]
description: [
1. The component is met more than one time within the deployment batch. As it differs by its properties than the
others same components into the batch, the Deploy Controller cannot decide which one has to be deployed.
Other sdu:name: [], vendor: [], location: [SAP AG], version:
[7.0115.20131205103252.0000], software type: [FS], csn component: [], dependencies: [[]], archive type: [DC]]
3sdu id: []
sdu file path: [E:\EPUpg\SUMTool\sdt\EPZ\JC04\j2ee\cluster\server0\.\temp\tc~bl~deploy_controller\archives\26\BIWEBAPP15_0-
version status: [NEW]
deployment status: [PrerequisiteViolated]
description: [
1. The component is met more than one time within the deployment batch. As it differs by its properties than the
others same components into the batch, the Deploy Controller cannot decide which one has to be deployed.
Other sdu:name: [], vendor: [], location: [SAP AG], version:
[7.4005.20131121163250.0000], software type: [J2EE], csn component: [BW-BEX-ET-WJR], dependencies: [[name:
'', vendor: '', name: '', vendor: '', name:
'', vendor: '', name: 'engine.j2ee14.facade', vendor: '', name: '',
vendor: '', name: '', vendor: '', name: 'tc~epbc~prt~api', vendor: '', name:
'', vendor: '', name: 'tc~bl~jrfc~api', vendor: '', name: '', vendor:
'', name: '', vendor: '', name: '', vendor: '', name:
'', vendor: '', name: '', vendor: '', name:
'', vendor: '', name: '', vendor: '', name:
'engine.application.lib.facade', vendor: '', name: '', vendor: '', name:
'', vendor: '', name: 'engine.application.facade', vendor: '', name:
'', vendor: '', name: 'engine.jee5.facade', vendor: '']], archive type: [DC]]
4sdu id: []
sdu file path: [E:\EPUpg\SUMTool\sdt\EPZ\JC04\j2ee\cluster\server0\.\temp\tc~bl~deploy_controller\archives\26\BIWEBAPP15_0-
version status: [NEW]
deployment status: [PrerequisiteViolated]
description: [
1. The component is met more than one time within the deployment batch. As it differs by its properties than the
others same components into the batch, the Deploy Controller cannot decide which one has to be deployed.
Other sdu:name: [], vendor: [], location: [SAP AG], version:
[7.4005.20131121163250.0000], software type: [J2EE], csn component: [BW-BEX-ET-WJR], dependencies: [[name: 'engine.j2ee14.facade',
vendor: '', name: '', vendor: '', name: 'tc~epbc~prt~api', vendor: '', name:
'', vendor: '', name: 'tc~bl~jrfc~api', vendor: '', name: '', vendor:
'', name: '', vendor: '', name: '', vendor:
'', name: 'tc~epbc~prt~apps~restricted', vendor: '', name: '', vendor: '', name:
'', vendor: '', name: '', vendor: '', name:
'engine.application.facade', vendor: '', name: 'tc~epbc~prt~restricted', vendor: '', name: 'tc~epbc~prtc~core',
vendor: '', name: 'engine.jee5.facade', vendor: '']], archive type: [DC]]
189. Client path 'E:\usr\sap\trans\EPS\in\DICBS15_0-10005904.SCA'
Deploy status is 'Aborted'
SCA : name 'DI_CBS', vendor '', location 'MAIN_NW701P15_C', version '1000.'
Composite Time statistics( ms ):
1.validate : -1
Contained DCs:
189.1 : Relative path 'E:\usr\sap\trans\EPS\in\DICBS15_0-10005904.SCA --> tc.CBS.CommonPart.sda'
Deploy status is 'PrerequisiteViolated'
Description:'1. Unresolved dependencies: not allowed between software types: primary-library --> JDDSCHEMA'.
SDA : name 'tc.CBS.CommonPart', vendor '', location 'MAIN_NW701P15_C', version '4620885',
software type ('primary-library', sub type ''), csn component '', dependencies :[( name 'tc~CBS~ComponentLibrary', vendor '')
, ( name 'opensql', vendor '') , ( name '', vendor '') , ( name '', vendor '') ,
( name '', vendor '') , ( name 'tc.CBS.API', vendor '') , ( name 'sapxmltoolkit', vendor
'') , ( name 'tc~dtr.client~vfs-adl', vendor '') , ( name 'tc.CBS.DBDefs', vendor '') ]
Time statistics( ms ):
1.validate : -1
190.1 : Relative path 'E:\usr\sap\trans\EPS\in\DICMS15_0-10005896.SCA --> tc~SL~CMS~PCS.sda'
Deploy status is 'PrerequisiteViolated'
Description:'1. Unresolved dependencies: not found in the admitted batch items and the repository'.
Release upgrade or EHP installation
deploy , shadow , sapcontrol , mopz , xml , LMDB , LVM , Admitted , aborted , rejected , AlreadyDeployed , Deploy status , sda , solman , instance , DEPLOYMENT_RESULTS , TroubleTicket , 1027 ,6505 , KBA , BC-UPG-TLS-TLJ , Upgrade tools for Java , BC-EHP-INS-TLJ , EHP Installer deprecated. Please use BC-UPG-TLS-TLJ , How To
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