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1996092 - [SAP IQ] When running a select statement having a case expression, IQ server get crashed with "s_blockmap.cxx:2988" and "s_buf.cxx:656" error.


  1. When running a select statement below having a case expression, IQ server get crashed with "s_blockmap.cxx:2988" and "s_buf.cxx:656" error.
  2. Problematic sql
    • select  k.COL001
       from  TAB001 k
       where  k.COL002  in ('11111,'11112','11113','11114')
       and case when k.COL003 <> '2' then (case when k.COL004 = '0000' then '0001' else k.COL004  end)
         else k.COL004  end > '0000' ;
  3. No error detected from DBCC against the table referenced by the problematic sql.
  4. Error Message
    • ********************************************************
      **       Non-Fatal IQ Internal Error Detected
      **       at s_blockmap.cxx:2988  on thread 396301 (TID 1542)

      pc: 0x9000000023f1e48 .pcstkwalk(.............................................
      pc: 0x9000000023f18a8 .ucstkgentrace(.............................................
      pc: 0x9000000023f2288 .StackTraceForThisThread(.............................................
      pc: 0x9000000027fd614 .s_bufman_exception::s_bufman_exception(.............................................
      pc: 0x900000002216ca4 .s_blockmap::GetBlockmapEntryInfo(.............................................
      pc: 0x90000000221cf88 .s_blockmap::Find(.............................................
      pc: 0x900000002bd8170 .s_dpByteFetch::FindBuf(.............................................
      **       End of stack trace from Non-Fatal IQ Internal Error s_blockmap.cxx:2988
      Exception Thrown from s_blockmap.cxx:2988, Err# 8, tid 1542 origtid 1542
         O/S Err#: 0, ErrID: 2055 (s_bufman_exception); SQLCode: -1009047, SQLState: 'QSA47', Severity: 14
      [20068]: main Bufman: Blockmap info error; bmp={bl=4,uid=1170416,txn=6887842,sp=33,nentr=1,rb=1853493345,nlnk=1,flags=0xd,vsn=1,fan=8,flags2=0x0,nper=14348,fa=0,max=1}.
      Internal error: Unlocking a Buffer that is not locked.
      ***   Sybase IQ Abort:
      ***      From:  s_buf.cxx:656
      ***      PID: 6029456
      ***      Exception Location: 0x11cd49500
      ***      Error ID: 533,  Exception Type: hos_assertexception
      ***      Thread: 27757  (TID: 7, Original TID: 7)
      ***      Error #: 3,  O/S Error #: 0

      ===== Thread Number  27757  (IQ connID: 0000211817) =====

      pc: 0x9000000023f1e48 .pcstkwalk(.............................................
      pc: 0x9000000023f18a8 .ucstkgentrace(.............................................
      pc: 0x9000000023f0294 .DumpAllThreads(.............................................
      pc: 0x9000000020d99c0 .hos_ABORT(.............................................
      pc: 0x9000000020e512c .ThrowAbort(.............................................
      pc: 0x9000000020e4e50 .Throw(.............................................
      pc: 0x9000000020a6810 .hos_assertexception::ThrowException(.............................................
      pc: 0x9000000027ea724 .s_buf::UnlockUserLocked(.............................................
      pc: 0x9000000027ea44c .s_buf::UnlockUser(.............................................
      pc: 0x900000002bd0b88 .s_dpByteFetch::~s_dpByteFetch()+.............................................
      pc: 0x900000002bd8ca8 .s_dpByteStore::CloseFetch(.............................................



  • SAP SYBASE IQ 15.3 & 15.4


SAP Sybase IQ 15.4


s_blockmap.cxx:2988,  s_buf.cxx:656, CR 691261 , , KBA , BC-SYB-IQ , Sybase IQ , Problem

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