When add a logic link and make it visible in business role definition, the link will appear on the corresponding work center in CRM WebUI. For example, logic link CT-SVY-SR (link for search survey) is set visible in business role definition in T-Code CRMC_UI_PROFILE, it will be seen on CRM WebUI. Please refer to the following two pictures(Pic 1 and Pic 2).
However, sometimes, we face the problem that the link is not seen. When this happens, what is the way of troubleshooting?
In this article, we will introduce in detail the steps of making and analyzing authorization for links. We will also introduce a BADI which can be used to control the visibility of these links.
As prerequisite, we assume that you've known how to define logic link, how to add the link to a work center, and then assign a work center to a business role via navigation bar profile and set the link visible.
Pic 1: Logic link CT-SVY-SR is set 'Visible'(T-code CRMC_UI_PROFILE, or SPRO->CRM->UI Framework->Business Roles->Define Business Role)
Pic 2: Link for search surveys will show up in corresponding work center
- SAP Customer Relationship Management 7.0 and higher
- SAP enhancement package for SAP Customer Relationship Management
- SAP enhancement package for SAP CRM, version for SAP HANA
CL_CRM_UI_NAVBAR_SRV, IS_CHECK_AND_ADD_LINK_OK, crmc_ui_llink, target id, comp_authority_check, COMP_AUTHORITY_CHECK, AUTHORITY-CHECK , KBA , CA-WUI-UI , User Interface , Problem
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