- While analyzing a performance problem, the following issue is seen in optdiag:
- “Total density” value is negative
- Example: The weight is > 1 (It is 2.2 ==> 220%)
- Msg 7327: Length or precision specification 0 is not within the range of 1 to 255.
- The datatype value is outside the domain of legal values for the datatype.
See example below:
Statistics for column: "value_varchar"
Last update of column statistics: Apr 1 2014 3:40:40:940PM
Range cell density: 0.0923605113835048
Total density: -0.0903774600987818
Range selectivity: default used (0.33)
In between selectivity: default used (0.25)
Unique range values: 0.0000011997168668
Unique total values: 0.0000011997168668
Average column width: 13.2947999620242125
Statistics version: 4
Histogram for column: "value_varchar"
Column datatype: varchar(512)
Requested step count: 20
Actual step count: 4
Sampling Percent: 0
Tuning Factor: 20
Out of range Histogram Adjustment is DEFAULT.
High Domain Hashing.
Sticky hashing.
Server Message: SERVER - Msg 7327, Level 15, State 4:
Length or precision specification 0 is not within the range of 1 to 255.
cs_convert() returned CS_FAIL.
Optdiag failed. Check for error messages above.
SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) 15.7
optdiag, negative , KBA , cr722517 , BC-SYB-ASE , Sybase ASE Database Platform (non Business Suite) , Bug Filed
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