SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2000152 - Confirmation Journal Report Shows No Original Document For Stock Transfer


You run the Confirmation Journal report and find the fields Original Document Type and Original Document ID populated with # (not assigned) for a stock transfer transaction. You wonder what could be the reason because obviously every stock transfer is based on an original document (as seen in the document flow).

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to the Inbound Logistics work center.
  2. Go to the Reports List view.
  3. Open the Confirmation Journal report.
  4. Add Original Document Type, Original Document ID and Conf.ID to rows.


Please check if the following explanation is applicable to your issue:

The original document type is not displayed as stock transfer order for the warehouse confirmation is because it has been created on the inbound side of a different site (receiver side) than that of the stock transfer order.

Stock transfer is divided in two processes - outbound at sending site and inbound at receiving site. The document created at receiving site does not have references to documents created at sending site, in this case the stock transfer order.


This is the expected and correct system behavior.


KBA , confirmation journal report , original document id , AP-SLP , Site Logistics Processing , How To


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