SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2001362 - Negative Amounts on Asset Side of Balance Sheet


You run Report Financial Statements and as a Result Negative Amounts of e. g. Bank Accounts are shown on the Asset Side of the Balance Sheet. 

You expect, that Debit of a G/L Account e.g. Bank Account is not shown as Negative Amount on the Asset Side of the Balance Sheet, but as Positive Amount on the Liabilities side.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       


Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to General Ledger Work Center. 
  2. Run Report Financial Statements with your own Parameters and choose Go.
  3. Expand the Result as follows:
  4. XXX Balance Sheet.
  5. Assets.
  6. Current Assets.
  7. Checks, Cash, Federal Post Bank.
  8. Bank Accounts.

The Balance shows the Accumulation of Debits and Credits on the Asset Side as Negative Amount.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


Splitting of an Account Balance for a certain Type of Accounts is not done by default.


  1. Open Business Configuration Work Center.
  2. Choose Activity Charts of Accounts, Financial Structures, Account Determination.
  3. Navigate to Edit Financial Reporting Structures.
  4. Select Financial Reporting Structure XXX and click on Edit.
  5. Expand the Financial Reporting Structure and choose the respective G/L Account, e. g. Bank Account under Header Assets.
  6. In Column Show Only select Debit.
  7. Now go to Liabilities and choose a suitable Category.
  8. Click on Button Actions and choose Assign Account.
  9. In Column Show Only select Credit.
  10. Finish with OK and Save.

If you run the Report Financial Statements after these Settings have been maintained, Credits will show on Asset Side and Debits on Liabilities Side of Balance Sheet.


KBA , SRD-FIN-GL , General Ledger , How To


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