You faced greyed out fields when trying to edit a Planning on Cost and Revenue Work Center.
Reproducing the Issue
- Go to Cost and Revenue Work Center.
- Go to Planning View.
- Select a Plan ID.
- Click on Edit button.
- You will see that all fields are greyed out and you cannot change any information.
System does not allow to make changes for a planning that has a version already started.
In order to make changes in the Planning, you have to perform following steps:
- Go to Cost and Revenue Work Center.
- Go to Planning View.
- Select a Plan ID.
- Click on Edit button.
- Go to Versions tab.
- Change the status of all Version IDs to Not Started, then after performing the changes you can change the status back to the previous one.
KBA , SRD-FIN-COR , Cost & Revenue , How To
SAP Business ByDesign all versions