You are considering and planning for an upgrade of a system (SAP Enterprise Portal, SAP CRM, SAP SCM, SAP SRM and SAP ERP etc) in your landscape, and you want to know whether this has an impact on other systems in your landscape. You want to determine if a particular upgrade on one system will require changes to another system in the landscape.
- SAP Enterprise Portal All Version
- SAP ERP 6.0
- SAP CRM 7.0
- SAP SCM 7.0
- SAP SRM 7.0
'portal upgrade'; 'dependency'; 'impact'; 'mopz'; 'uda'; 'Enterprise Portal upgrade'; 'ERP upgrade'; 'ECC upgrade'; 'Portal upgrade dependency check'; 'upgrade dependency check' , KBA , EP-PIN , SAP Enterprise Portal (On Premise) , BC-UPG-MP , Maintenance Planning Tools , How To
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