The following system log was shown in SM21
Type GRP N Text
IC Q0 I Operating system call unlink failed (error no. 1 )
And the following error was shown in ICM trace(dev_icm, dev_icm.old)
[Thr 140219199469408] ***LOG IM1=> IcmInit, Startup (ICM&<hostname>&5496&) [icxxman_mt.c 1936]
[Thr 140219199469408] ***LOG Q0I=> NiIBindSocket: could not delete file '/tmp/.sapstream64999' for hdl 1: unlink (1: Operation not permitted) [nixxi.cpp 3719]
[Thr 140219199469408] *** ERROR => NiIBindSocket: could not delete file '/tmp/.sapstream64999' (hdl 1; errno=0) [nixxi.cpp 3726]
[Thr 140219199469408] IcmInit: listening to admin port: 64998
Operating system call, SM21, unlink, ICM, admin port, sapstream64999, sapstream, sapstreamXXXXX, 65000,64999, 64998, error, failed , KBA , BC-CST-IC , Internet Communication Manager , BC-OP , Operating System Platforms , Problem
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