64 bit app with original sort order declared in the report the data, the report is sorting based on Ascending sort order.
In x86 .NET runtime application and Crystal Reports Designer the sort is not sort.
In x64 .NET application the sort order is sorted.
Crystal Reports Developer for Visual Studio
Reproducing the Issue
Open attached sample app. in VS 2012. Open report in CRD and un-check Suppress Blank section of Group Footer #1 and save the report. compile the app in x86 mode and run. Report and Data is located in \GroupingIssueShared folder Note the sort order of data is different than when previewed in x86 more or CR Designer
This issue was tracked with the following ADAPT01719275
This issue is resolved in SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence Platform 4.1 SP04
Data sort order, cr for vs, unsorted, ADAPT01719275, ADAPT01719276, ADAPT01720926, ADAPT01720927, SP04, .net, group sorting, x86, x64, cr designer, .net application , KBA , BI-RA-CR-SDK , SDK related, including Java/.NET etc. , Problem