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2006916 - IQ crashed when creating a database with a large dbfile


When creating a database with a 10TB dbfile or larger with IQ16.0 SP03 or SP02,  IQ crashed.

1. The following msg are displayed:

CHAR collation sequence:  UTF8BIN(CaseSensitivity=Respect)
CHAR character set encoding:  UTF-8
NCHAR collation sequence:  UCA(CaseSensitivity=UpperFirst;AccentSensitivity=Respect;PunctuationSensitivity=Primary)
NCHAR character set encoding:  UTF-8
Database is not encrypted
Creating system tables
Creating system views
Setting option values
Error! The connection to the database was closed by the server.
  Communication error
  SQLCODE=-85, ODBC 3 State="08S01"
  File: "CreateDB.sql" on line 1, column 1
  CREATE DATABASE '/sydata/hist1/hist1.db'
   TRANSACTION LOG ON 'hist1.log'
   IQ PATH ''

2. A stacktrace file is also created:, The most important information about the error is:

    **  Error from IQ connection:      **  Time of error:  2014-04-17 01:03:10    **  IQ Version:  Sybase IQ/16.0.0/131122/P/sp03    **  OS info:  IQ built on: Enterprise Linux64 - x86_64 - 2.6.18-194.el5,  Executed on: Linux/hist1/2.6.32-279.el6.x86_64/#1 SMP Wed Jun 13 18:24:36 EDT 2012/x86_64    **  Command status when error occured:  COMMAND ACTIVE    **  Command text: 
Statement text unavailable
Dump all thread stacks at stcxtlib/st_server.cxx:1539 for PID: 13040

    ***************** This is the STACKTRACE ***************

 ===== Thread Number  1352513280 =====
pc: 0x7f24316f5ef6 pcstkwalk(stk_trace*, int, db_log*, hos_fd*)+0x36
pc: 0x7f24316f6161 ucstkgentrace(int, int)+0x121
pc: 0x7f24316f73ae DumpAllThreads(char const*, unsigned int, int)+0x12e
pc: 0x7f2431487cae hos_ABORT(char const*, unsigned int, char const*, char*, char*)+0x19e
pc: 0x7f24321869cf SigHndlr+0x4f
pc: 0x3bff80f500
pc: 0x7f243182767e s_buf::Read(s_bufman_errorInfo*, unsigned long long, unsigned int, int, short, unsigned long long, unsigned int, unsigned int, s_blockmap const*, s_bufmanCallerStats*)+0xae
pc: 0x7f243184f9a8 s_bufpartition::Find(s_bufman_errorInfo*, s_connectionCacheStats*, hos_bio*, unsigned long long, unsigned long long, unsigned long long, unsigned int, unsigned int, int, unsigned int, short, s_blockmap*, s_bufman::s_paging, s_bufman::s_dirtyMode, unsigned int, s_bufmanCallerStats*)+0x8e8
pc: 0x7f2431781aec s_nonTranslatingBlockmap::FindAndDirty(unsigned long long, short, int)+0x17c
pc: 0x7f2431f72e9a s_pageListCursor::_Link(s_pageListCursor::s_paPosition, s_scratchPage*, s_pageListCursor::s_plConst)+0x5ca
pc: 0x7f2432091e55 v2s_bmcontext::bmlfblkcpyalloc(int)+0x165
pc: 0x7f24317c6ba8 v2s_bmcontext::bmsgblkfl_add_leaf(unsigned long long)+0x68
pc: 0x7f24317c7a51 v2s_bmcontext::bmsgblkflalloc(unsigned long long, unsigned long long)+0x1f1
pc: 0x7f24317c7c2c s_bmfreelist::AddBlocksToFreeList(unsigned long long, unsigned long long)+0x8c
pc: 0x7f24318c84cb s_dbmvbio::FreeListPreAllocate(unsigned long long, unsigned long long)+0x5b
pc: 0x7f24318cc9c1 s_dbmvbio::ExtendFL(unsigned int, s_dbsegmentheaderblock*, unsigned long long, int)+0x171
pc: 0x7f24318d93cd s_dbmvbio::CreateDiskSegment2(s_dbspace_info const&)+0x22d
pc: 0x7f243217bdc5 st_database::CreateDatabase(unsigned int, unsigned int, char*, unsigned long long, int, char*, unsigned long long, int, char*, char const*, char*, hos_localio*, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, st_databaseCreateRecord**, unsigned long long, unsigned long long, unsigned short, unsigned +0xbb5
pc: 0x7f2432262040 db_CreateDatabase::Execute()+0x210
pc: 0x7f243213ecd2 st_command::DoCmdThroughResourceGate()+0x82
pc: 0x7f24322868b3 db_iqphysddl::CreateDatabase(a_statement const*, UIConnection*, void**, unsigned long long*, char const*, char const*)+0x33
pc: 0x7f2430fded3e UIQPhysDDL_CreateDatabase+0x2e
pc: 0x7f243218ad46 st_SAIQInterfaceInfo::callFunction()+0x26
pc: 0x7f24321e8bd3 st_SAIQInterface::RunIQFunc(st_SAIQInterfaceInfo*)+0x189
pc: 0x7f243218b6ba st_SAIQInterface::Execute(int, void*, unsigned int (*)+0x20a
pc: 0x7f2431719815 saint_iqthresholdphysddl::CreateDatabase(a_statement const*, IConnection*, void**, unsigned long long*, char const*, char const*)+0x135
pc: 0x7f245a1fd69a RQCreateDatabase::do_request()+0x3ba
pc: 0x7f245a1153a9 Worker::spawn(Procedure*)+0x49
pc: 0x7f245a2af5fc RQInternalBaseItem::do_work(Worker*)+0x3c
pc: 0x7f245a2f5c86 RequestQueue::worker_body()+0x66
pc: 0x7f245a2b0015 request_task(void*)+0x65
pc: 0x7f245a7b6d0d run_task_body+0x2d
pc: 0x7f245a2f6967 UnixTask::pre_body(void*)+0x77



  • IQ 16.0 SP02 (03)
  • IQ 16.1 SP05 (04)


SAP IQ 16.0


dbfile, raw device file, raw file, , KBA , BC-SYB-IQ , Sybase IQ , Problem

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