SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2007716 - Customized Tax Jurisdiction Code is Not Appearing in Account Master Data


You have created a new Tax Jurisdiction Code in Business Configuration, but it is not available when adding new address in account master data.

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to the Business Configuration work center.
  2. Find the activity Tax on Goods and Services - US.
  3. Open Define Tax Jurisdictions, you can see the code ABC is maintained. (ABC represents the ID of tax jurisdiction code)
  4. Go to the Account Management work center.
  5. Open one account and go to Communication - Addresses tab.
  6. Click Add Row, maintain the country to US and State.
  7. Open Tax Jurisdiction Code selection list, the code ABC is not available.


You have to maintain the Tax Rate Schedule for the Tax Jurisdiction Code.


  1. Go to the Business Configuration work center.
  2. Find the activity Tax on Goods and Services - US.
  3. Open Define Sales Tax Rate Schedules.
  4. Click Add Row, and maintain the tax rate for this code.

Afterwards, it will be available in the account master data.


KBA , AP-ACC , Business ByDesign: Financial Accounting , How To


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