Create a dashboard without any data connection and it works fine on SAP BI Mobile App.
Create a simple dashboard with a web service such as QaaWS/BIWS or query browser and get the "No network connection" Warning when the dashboard is viewed on the SAP BI Mobile App.
- SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence Platform (BI) 4.1
- SAP BusinessObjects Dashboards 4.1
- SAP BI Mobile App
SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform 4.1 ; SAP BusinessObjects Dashboards 4.1 ; SAP BusinessObjects Mobile 5.0.0 for iPhone and iPad ; SAP BusinessObjects Mobile 6.0.0 for Android ; SAP BusinessObjects Mobile 6.0.0 for iOS ; SAP BusinessObjects Mobile for Android 4.2 ; SAP BusinessObjects Mobile for Android 5.0.0
mobile; ipad; , KBA , MOB-APP-BI-IOS , BI Mobile on iPad/iPhone , Problem
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