- You want to prevent to save the Time Of Death of a deceased patient with 24:00:00 h.
- You create a discharge for a patient with discharge type 'Deceased' - movement type: TN14B-TODKZ is set - and enter the death data.
After this you change the discharge type to a not deceased one or cancel the whole discharge but don't clear the death data screen.
You only receive a warning message - N1 404 Death data still exists - which you cannot change to an error message by customizing.
As a consequence on the Public List - RNLPFOR3 - the patient is still marked as dead as death data are stored at patient level.
How to make sure death data get also deleted when movement type gets changed?
- The system allows to enter the deceased indicator - NPAT-TODKZ - in death data dialog box without entering death date and time.
However, there is a check done when death date and time are entered. Than the system will automatically tick on the deceased indicator. Is this an inconsistency?
SAP ERP all versions
NPAT-TODZT TODKZ gestorben N1404 Entlassung Enlassart Entlassungsart verstorben Bewegungsart stornieren Storno Warnung Es sind noch Todesdaten vorhanden Nachrichtensteuerung Pförtnerliste Todeszeitpunkt Todedatum Todeszeit 24:00 Uhr Tod tot NP10 Zusätze Extras , KBA , IS-H-PM-GEN , General Case Processing , IS-H , Hospital , How To
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