SAP Knowledge Base Article - Preview

2009972 - FAQ Discharge and Death Data


  1. You want to prevent to save the Time Of Death of a deceased patient with 24:00:00 h.
  2. You create a discharge for a patient with discharge type 'Deceased' - movement type: TN14B-TODKZ is set - and enter the death data.
    After this you change the discharge type to a not deceased one or cancel the whole discharge but don't clear the death data screen.
    You only receive a warning message - N1 404 Death data still exists - which you cannot change to an error message by customizing.
    As a consequence on the Public List - RNLPFOR3 - the patient is still marked as dead as death data are stored at patient level.
    How to make sure death data get also deleted when movement type gets changed?
  3. The system allows to enter the deceased indicator - NPAT-TODKZ - in death data dialog box without entering death date and time.
    However, there is a check done when death date and time are entered. Than the system will automatically tick on the deceased indicator. Is this an inconsistency?



SAP ERP all versions


NPAT-TODZT TODKZ gestorben N1404 Entlassung Enlassart Entlassungsart verstorben Bewegungsart stornieren Storno Warnung Es sind noch Todesdaten vorhanden Nachrichtensteuerung Pförtnerliste Todeszeitpunkt Todedatum Todeszeit 24:00 Uhr Tod tot NP10 Zusätze Extras , KBA , IS-H-PM-GEN , General Case Processing , IS-H , Hospital , How To

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