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2011517 - Error message "Error when sending the configuration data to the agent" when registering monitored systems or hosts in CEN


The following error message shows When registering SAP NetWeaver components or hosts in CEN: Transaction RZ21 ->Technical Infrastructure ->Configure Central System -> Create Remote Monitoring Entry.

Error when sending the configuration data to the agent

In the sapstartsrv_ccms.log trace log of monitored system, the following error message appears when the systems or hosts registration.

ERROR: RFC error during logon: 102 RFC_ERROR_COMMUNICATION [SAP_CMINIT3 : rc=20 > Connect to SAP gateway failed
Connect_PM  GWHOST=host1, GWSERV=sapgw00, SYSNR=00

LOCATION    CPIC (TCP/IP) on local host with Unicode
ERROR       hostname 'host1' unknown
TIME        Mon Apr 28 17:11:23 2014
RELEASE     721
COMPONENT   NI (network interface)
VERSION     40
RC          -2
MODULE      ninti.c
LINE        895
DETAIL      NiPGetHostByName: 'host1' not found
SYSTEM CALL getaddrinfo

The "host1" is standing for the hostname of Central Monitoring system.

As a result,the registration of SAP NetWeaver Components or Hosts failed.



SAP NetWeaver Components or Monitored Hosts.


RZ21, SoapFault Code, Error when sending the configuration data to the agent, /etc/hosts, RFC_ERROR_COMMUNICATION, hostname, unknown , KBA , BC-CCM-MON , CCMS Monitoring & Alerting , BC-NET , Formerly used for network tests , Problem

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