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2012339 - Administrative user get 500 error in Identity Management


  • Administrative user (like J2EE_ADMIN or Administrator) of SAP NetWeaver Java system access /irj/portal, then access menu [User Administration -> Identity Management], there is 500 error throw out. If access /useradmin or /nwa, it result in blank page. See below images:



  • With other administrative user(which might be a copy of J2EE_ADMIN/Administrator), no such issue happen. If check role/group settings of problematic user in Identity Management, you notice problematic user is assigned to [Anonymous Users] group. If try to delete [Anonymous Users] group from problematic user, there is information as below throw out:

You are not authorized to assign one or more entities. Perform a new assigned entities search to see the correct status.



  • Release Independent
  • SAP NetWeaver


SAP Composition Environment all versions ; SAP NetWeaver all versions

Keywords, Application session has expired, No application session with ID, 500, blank, empty, white, page, web dynpro, webdynpro , KBA , BC-JAS-SEC-UME , User Management Engine , BC-WD-JAV , WebDynpro Java , Problem

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