Please note that it is NOT recommended to leave this logging turned on in a production environment, but only meant to be used for troubleshooting purposes.
Logging may be enabled for troubleshooting of the SAP Afaria Administrator and SAP Afaria API in versions 7.0 and above. In order to enable Afaria API program logic level logging, please review KBA 1851170. This "service level" logging is extensive/verbose and is only useful in unique situations, primarily for troubleshooting API connection and authentication issues, but also can capture parameters passed to the API. Enabling this will cause a massive amount of data to be logged to disk in a very short period of time and may cause performance problems, so it must only be enabled for short tests.
SAP Afaria 7.0
API, AfariaAPIService, AfariaServiceHost, Admin, Administrator, Logging, Log, Troubleshooting, debugview, trace, host, service, troubleshoot, crash, malfunction, UI, AdminUI, timeout, time, authentication, authenticate, failure, security, username, user, password , KBA , MOB-AFA , Afaria , How To
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