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2015603 - Different ways to apply SBP or Patch(Set)


It is required to apply an SBP or Patch Set with minimal downtime.

Nowadays it became more and more important to perform patching operations of the Oracle Software with minimal downtime.

The increased frequency of Oracle home patching, combined with smaller maintenance windows and business impact of system downtime made it necessary to find a new approach for patching that minimizes downtime and impact on business.

Patching the Oracle Software with minimal downtime became even more important since a new structure change in SBP has been made. Basically, the new stuctured SBP (Jun 2014) can not be applied on top of any previously applied SBP. Therefore, SAP introduced the "Patch Migration Script", called 'bpmig'. This script has to be started before the actual installation of the new SBP (which is called Database Bundle Patch - DBBP), in order to prepare the database for the new DBBP installation.

For more information about this change, please read SAP Hotnews note below and the corresponding README file of DBBP:
2011199 SAP Bundle Patches (SBP) - structure changes starting with June 2014



  • SAP Release independent
  • as of Oracle Database


runInstaller,oracle_home,oracle_base,opatch,mopatch,SBP,SDA,SGR,SXD,Exadata BP,Bundle Patch,SAP Bundle Patch,PSU,GI PSU,Oracle database,Exadata,SuperCluster,Oracle Database Appliance,ODA,SAPDBBP,SAPEXADBBP,SAP DBBP,BUGSFIXED,README,cloning,minimal downtime,out-of-place,out of place,installation,clone,patch,patchset, patch set , KBA , BC-DB-ORA-CCM , (CCMS) Database Monitors , BC-DB-ORA , Oracle , How To

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