- When Replication Server replicates to IQ, the DSI bulk copy-in feature fails with "SQL Anywhere Error -1006000: IQ Internal error" :
ERROR #151 DSI EXEC(136(1) IQserver.IQdatabase) - i/hqexec.c(11975)
Bulk-Lib routine 'RCIMoreResults' failed.
ERROR #1028 DSI EXEC(136(1) IQserver.IQdatabase) - i/hqexec.c(11975)
Message from server: Message: -1006000, State 0, Severity 23 -- 'SQL Anywhere Error -1006000: IQ Internal error. Please report this to Sybase IQ support.-- (dfjo_Hash.cxx 1943) '.
HQCPL: HQ execution exception occurred while applying to table [nil][nil]...
A grouped transaction of 47470 individual transactions has failed in database 'IQserver.IQdatabase'. It will be broken into smaller groups and retried.
- The IQ .iqmsg file reports the following error with the stack trace on a connection from Replication Server:
** Non-Fatal IQ Internal Error Detected
** at dfjo_Hash.cxx:1943 on thread 30070 (TID 24)
** Please report this to Sybase IQ support
** with the following diagnostic information,
** and, if possible, with the user's command.
** Error from IQ connection: SA connHandle: 17826 SA connID: 13 IQ connID: 0000481757 User: xxxxx_maint
** Time of error: 2014-05-03 21:19:55
** IQ Version: Sybase IQ/15.4.0/140325/P/ESD 3.9
** OS info: IQ built on: RS6000MP/AIX 6.1.0, Executed on: AIX/dbspp0075/1/6/00C06D774C00
** Command status when error occured: CURSOR ACTIVE
Exception Thrown from dfjo_Hash.cxx:1943, Err# 0, tid 24 origtid 24
O/S Err#: 0, ErrID: 9216 (df_Exception); SQLCode: -1006000, SQLState: 'QBA00', Severity: 23
IQ Internal error. Please report this to Sybase IQ support.
- The top calls in the IQ stack trace are as follows:
- SAP Replication Server 15.7
- SAP IQ 15.4
- SAP IQ 16.0
CR763801, dfjo_Hash::ComputeKeyEstimates, .dfjo_Hash::PrePrepare, .dfo_Join::PrePrepare, .dfo::RecursivePrePrepare, 763801 , KBA , BC-SYB-IQ , Sybase IQ , BC-SYB-REP , Sybase Replication Server (standalone) , Bug Filed
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