When a Query is executed with aggregation function such as count, sum in subquery, "Invalid use of an aggregate function" Error is returned.
select T.c1, T.c2
from (select c1, (select count(c2) from gjang) as c2 from gjang ) T;
I. 05/13 15:23:07. <,227,PREPARE,select T.c1, T.c2 from (select c1, (select count(c2) from gjang) as c2 from gjang ) T
I. 05/13 15:23:07. >,227,PREPARE,852052
I. 05/13 15:23:07. E,227,-150,Invalid use of an aggregate function
SAP IQ 12.7, 15.4, 16
aggregation, subquery, scalar, invalid, Invalid use of an aggregate function, aggregate function, IQ , KBA , BC-SYB-IQ , Sybase IQ , BW-SYS-DB-IQ , BW on HANA with Sybase IQ Near-line Storage , Problem
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