- Report RFUMSV50 is used for a Spanish Company Code,
- and flag "Checks must clear" (T007DT-BANKO) is activated for the deferred tax rule in usage.
Under these circumstances, the payment date displayed at the received vat register book is not the expected one.
SAP_APPL all releases.
Spanish, Payment date at spanish received vat register book. Cleared bank line at DEFTAX_ITEM, Spanish, RFUMSV50, RFUMSV52, Law 14/2013, Real Decree 828/2013, Order HAP/2215/2013, VAT Cash Accounting Scheme, Regimen Especial del Criterio de Caja, RECC, Vat on cash (ES), bank statement, clearing,
check, bank subaccount, FB05, F110, FB1S, BSEG-AUGBL, I_RFUMSV50_FORMS, SKB1-XGKON, relevant to cash flow, SKB1-XOPVW, S_AC0_52000644, S_ALR_87100833, Select Deferred Tax; PAR_DEF, Libro defacturas recibidas, fecha de pago, model 340, positions 350-357, Indicator: Open Item Management,
Deferred Tax Transfer (New), V_T042I-UKONT, paying company code, bank selection, bank accounts, account determination, Registro tipo PA, Registro tipo OP, Registro tipo RL, Checks must clear, T007DT-BANKO, Line Category "OP", Open Payment, List contains no data, Spain, AEAT models, local regulation, localized solution, localization, country specific
, KBA , tls , XX-CSC-ES-FI , use FI-LOC-FI-ES , FI-GL-GL-F1 , Deferred Tax (Country Specific) , Problem
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