SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2017869 - System not Recognized an Expense Created Through Email


You are trying to create an expense through e-mail, which includes an attachment but you got the automatic reply from the system that ACTION REQUIRED: Please send your message and receipts again.

Reproducing the Issue

Send an e-mail within the following format to the address:
Subject: Hotel ABC EUR MM/DD/YYYY  with attachment: XYZ.pdf  and you got the error message.



The issue is caused because attachment XYZ.pdf has MIME Type application / octet-stream (which means not specified binary data).
The system is not configured to accept attachments of MIME Type application/octet-stream.


You can enable the system to allow attachments of MIME Type application/octet-stream.

  1. Go to the Business Configuration work center.
  2. Go to the Fine-Tune Activity of relevant project.
  3. Find the Activity Allowed MIME Types for Document Upload
  4. Select the entry for MIME type as text/html and Description as HTML Document. Check Allowed flag.
  5. Click Save and Close.


KBA , SRD-FIN-COR , Cost & Revenue , How To


SAP Cloud for Travel and Expense 1408 ; SAP Cloud for Travel and Expense 1411