When trying to migrate materials using the migration tool, the migration fails with the following error message:
"Sales organization ABC (Service) does not exist".
Reproducing the Issue
- Go to the Business Configuration Work Center.
- Select the Implementation Projects view.
- Select the desired project and click Open Activity List.
- Select the tab All.
- Find and open the activity Migration of Materials.
- Click the hyperlink Migrate materials using the migration tool
- Click Execute Migration - Execute Migration step by Step.
- It can be seen in step 2: Convert Values that the task Edit Value Conversion for Identified Stock Type requires action - click to open the task => the value needs to be confirmed - open the value help in the Identified Stock Type field - only the value 01 - Batch is available.
- Close the task processing and go to step 3 Simulate Import - following error occurs:
Error detected in source record with key value XYZ. Click Edit Source Record => an error appears:
Sales organization XYZ (Service) does not exist.
The cause for the error is that the Base UoM from the General sheet differs from the one in the Purchasing sheet. The Quantity Conversion is mainly to convert the Base UoM to other Uom but here there is no relation between Base UoM and Quantity Conversion.
You have to rectify the difference between the 2 values of the Base UoM and repeat the simulation.
KBA , sales organization , does not exist , SRD-CC-MIG-CNT , Migration: Content , How To