SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2021633 - The Users are Prompted to Sign On the SFSF JAM Page When They Try Opening any Group


The Users are Prompted to sign on to the SFSF Jam page when they try opening any Group from the People work center.

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to the People Work Center View.
  2. Select the Groups work center view.
  3. Click on Any Group.

A New Page opens prompting the user to login to the SFSF Jam Page.


The Users doesn't have the Feed work center as the first work center.


The user  should have the Feed work center as his first work center to solve this issue.

The reason  is that the feed widget behind the scenes uses a single-use-token API call to authenticate the log in user to Jam and exchange it for a Jam session before it displays the Jam feed updates.

Once this session is in place, all other clicks/navigation to Jam will not require a separate log in.

The Jam session can also be obtained if you log in to Jam directly beforehand. It is therefore advisable to have Feed as the first work center to have this automatic authentication in place.

For some users who prefer to have other work centers that they might use more actively as their left most work center, they just need to be aware about login to Jam or to make sure they load the Feed first before trying to navigate to a Jam group.



KBA , jam , jam login , LOD-CRM-SRP , Service Request Processing , How To


SAP Cloud for Customer core applications 1708 ; SAP Hybris Cloud for Customer add-ins 1708