Error Messages:
Category ID XYZ already exists
Category ID UVW already exists
is shown in the Simulation Phase of Migration of Product Category Hierarchies.
Reproducing the Issue
- Go to Business Configuration work center.
- Go the Overview view.
- Show: All Configuration Elements and find activity PRODUCT CATEGORY HIERARCHY
- Choose to Migrate product category hierarchy using the migration tool
- Upload the populated migration file and select the Execute Migration button.
- From the dropdown, select the Execute Migration Step by Step option.
- Continue to the Simulation Phase.
The reason as the message suggests is the duplicity of Category IDs.
However, the error is shown for only two duplicate entries from the bottom of the template even if there are more duplicate entries in the template. But the migration tool for Product Category is designed in a way only to display two first identified erroneous records. And the migration service starts pushing into the system from the bottom of the template. That is why the errors pertaining to only 2 IDs XYZ and UVW are displayed.
Once the duplicate entries within the file are removed the migration should go through without any issues.
KBA , category id , migration , duplicate , product category , product category hierarchies , LOD-CRM-EMP , Employee , How To