- A Webi report is created based on a .unx universe.
- The Webi report contains Webi prompts.
- The Webi prompts are deleted and the prompts are then created in the .unx universe.
- When the Webi report is refreshed, the prompt values are entered, an error occurs, and the report is refreshed again, the prompt screen will show the proper prompts as well as the prompts that were previously in the report at the Webi report level.
SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence Platform BI4.0 SP06 - Patch 3 (this was encountered on SP06, but the same problem occurred in BI4.0 SP09 - Patch 1).
SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform 4.0
bug, defect, problem, duplicate, duplicate, parameter, parameters, same, BI4.0, BI4, 4, 4.0 , KBA , BI-RA-WBI , Web Intelligence , Problem
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