SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2024348 - Error Message: Cannot Use idoc Type OTM_HREE: Distributed Employment is on


During the Web Service Message Monitoring customer observed that web service message as failed and manual restart not possible.

Message body contains following details:

Error Text : Manual retry requested by application!
Service Interface : HumanCapitalManagementMasterDataReplicationEmployeeMasterDataReplication UsingIDoc OTM_HREEI
Service Interface Namespace :

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to the Application & User Management work center.
  2. Go to the Business Communication Monitoring view.
  3. Under the Show drop down select Business Messages with Errors.
  4. Press Go button.
  5. You found the messages with following error.

Error Text : Manual retry requested by application!
Service Interface : HumanCapitalManagementMasterDataReplicationEmployeeMasterDataReplicationUsingIDo

  1. Login to the backend.
  2. Go to the transaction SRT_UTIL.
  3. Find the related stuck PI message with following error.

    ----ERROR_TEXT Cannot use idoc type OTM_HREE: distributed employment is on


Issue is caused because Distributed Employment is enabled in your Cloud for Travel & Expense system but you are trying to send the employee data through old IDOC format from ERP system.


In order to send correct employee master data from ERP System, customer can use the new IDOC OTM_EMPL Instead of the IDOC OTM_HREE01.

Customer need to implement OTM_EXTR Add-On, which includes the report OTM_TRIGGER_EMPL_REPL_CE to download the employee master data in an CSV file format or to send the data directly via IDoc with the message type OTM_EMPL.

This add-on also includes the report‚ OTM_TRIGGER_EMPL_REPL and the IDoc message type OTM_HREE, too which should not be used anymore.

Please refer section 18.3.2 Maintain Distribution Model of integration guide.

See Also

 Please refer SAP Note 2012921 - Collective Note for the Integration of SAP ERP with SAP Cloud for Travel and Expense  for detailed information of integration requirements.


KBA , SRD-FIN-CLM , Cash and Liquity Managment , How To


SAP Cloud for Travel and Expense 1402 ; SAP Cloud for Travel and Expense 1405 ; SAP Cloud for Travel and Expense 1408 ; SAP Cloud for Travel and Expense 1411