The information provided in the 'Purpose' field (ZWECK) is not appearing in the new xml format CGI_XML_CT when the following infotypes are used from HR:
- Infotype 0887 - Garnishment.
- Infotype 0009 - Bank Transfer.
- Infotype 0011 - External Transfer.
The file is rejected by the bank. The field ZWECK informs the file number linked to the garnishment (Purpose of Bank Transfers) which is required for reconciliation process.
- SAP_APPL 600 to 617
- SAP_FIN 617
Embargos, Destino de utilizacion, Payroll, SAPFPAYM, SGTXT,RemittanceInformation,P0011-ZWECK,P0009-ZWECK,P0887-ZWECK,
Retenciones Judiciales, CGI_XML_CT,Note to Payee,RmtInf,USTRD,PC00_M99_FPAYM, Garnishments. , KBA , FI-AP-AP-B1 , Payment transfer (w/o DE, US) , How To
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