When you perform a transport, the following warning message appears repeatedly in the SLOGyyww.<SID> file in the directory $transdir/log file:
WARNING:<file> is already in use (#n), I'm waiting 5 sec (<tmstp>)
<file> is a file name that starts with $transdir/tmp, #n is a number that is increased by one in each message, and <tmstp> is a timestamp with format YYMMDDHHMMSS. For example:
WARNING:<DIR_TRANS>/tmp/SLOGyyww.<SID>.LOC is already in use (1),I'm waiting 5 sec (20100108045411). My name: pid 9108 on <hostname> (<SID>adm)
WARNING: \\<hostname>\sapmnt\trans\tmp\<SID>.LOB is already in use (10), I'm waiting 4 sec (20100908204427). My name: pid 7156 on <hostname> (APService<SID>)
WARNING: \\<hostname>\sapmnt\trans\tmp\ABCKKnnnnn.DEF is already in use(1350), Im waiting 5 secs (20090918210845). My name: pid 7100 on <hostname> (APService<SID>)
SAP Netweaver release independent
warning, transport, hang, truck, is already in use, import running, transport hang, import hang, stuck, long running,WARNING:<file> is already in use (#n), I'm waiting xx sec (<tmstp>) , KBA , BC-CTS-TLS , Transport Tools , BC-CTS-TMS , Transport Management System , How To
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