SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2027220 - Missing Tax Code When Creating a New Manual VAT Tax Entry


You are creating a new manual VAT tax entry, however you are missing the tax code e.g.: 14- Import VAT, standard rate (imposed by customs) 17%, even though it is maintained in the Fine-Tune activity Tax on Goods and Services.


SAP Business ByDesign.

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to Tax Management work center.
  2. Go to Manual Tax Entries view and click VAT Entries subview.
  3. Click New -> Tax Entry.
  4. Fill in the necessary information. When you open the Tax Code dropdown menu, tax code 14- Import VAT, standard rate (imposed by customs) 17%, for example, is missing.


The manual tax entry does not support entry of direct taxes such as Import VAT. On the UI (User Interface) an import VAT tax code looks exactly like a regular tax code, but the functionality behind it is different. For regular tax codes you enter a net amount (the value of the good you purchase/sell) which is the base amount for taxes. In an import scenario you sometimes do not even know the base value, you just get an invoice from your customer authority stating how much import VAT you own. In this case you are unable to enter a base amount for calculating taxes. This is why the tax codes for import VAT behave differently. Technically the amount you enter is treated as a tax amount and not as a base amount for tax calculation. We call this a Direct VAT tax code as you enter the VAT directly.

These kinds of tax codes cannot be used in the manual tax entry. The manual tax entry only allows regular tax codes to be used.


In order to create such documents, you can refer to Customs Invoice.

When you import products from other countries, the products may be subject to taxes and duties. You create a customs invoice for these taxes and duties based on the invoice you received from your customs authorities.

You can create customs invoices in the Supplier Invoicing work center on Common Tasks or on Invoice Entry view.

See Also

SAP Business ByDesing Help Document: Create a Customs Invoice


Import Tax. VAT. Manual Tax Entry. Manual VAT Tax Entry. Tax Code. , KBA , AP-PRP , Purchase Request Processing , How To
