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2027907 - BPC: OLAP error: Errors in the encryption library: Failed to decrypt sensitive data


When processing an application (model), a dimension or modifying an application, the following error is received:

==============[System Error Tracing]==============  [System  Name] :
OLAPServerHandler  [Message Type] : ErrorMessage  [Job Name]     :
Olap9Manager : ConnectToOlap  [DateTime]     : 6/5/2014 2:50:05 PM
[UserId]       :   [Exception]       DetailMsg  :
{Microsoft.AnalysisServices.OperationException: The following system
error occurred:  Bad Data.  Errors in the encryption library: Failed to
decrypt sensitive data. Possibly the encryption key does not match or
inaccessible because of improper service account change. Errors in the
metadata manager. Processing for the database will be disabled because
an error occurred while loading the '<database name>' database cryptography key.
One possible reason for this error is that the service account has
changed. The following system error occurred:  Bad Data.  Errors in the
encryption library: Failed to decrypt sensitive data. Possibly the
encryption key does not match or is inaccessible because of improper
service account change. Errors in the metadata manager. Processing for
the database will be disabled because an error occurred while loading
the 'Apshell_Test' database cryptography key. One possible reason for
this error is that the service account has changed. The following
error occurred:  Bad Data.  Errors in the encryption library: Failed to
decrypt sensitive data. Possibly the encryption key does not match or
inaccessible because of improper service account change. Errors in the
metadata manager. Processing for the database will be disabled because
an error occurred while loading the 'ApShell' database cryptography
One possible reason for this error is that the service account has
changed.      at Microsoft.AnalysisServices.XmlaClient.CheckForException(XmlReader reader, XmlaResult xmlaResult, Boolean throwIfErr
or)     at
obj, ObjectExpansion expansion)     at
Microsoft.AnalysisServices.Server.Refresh(IMajorObject obj,
ObjectExpansion expansion)     at
Microsoft.AnalysisServices.Server.Connect(String connectionString,
String sessionId)     at
strMsg)}  ==============[System Error Tracing  End ]



  • SAP Business Planning and Consolidation version 7.x for Microsoft
  • SAP Business Planning and Consolidation version 10.x for Microsoft


SAP Business Planning and Consolidation 10.0, version for Microsoft ; SAP Business Planning and Consolidation 7.0, version for Microsoft ; SAP Business Planning and Consolidation 7.5, version for Microsoft


KBA , EPM-BPC-MS , Microsoft Version , Problem

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