In the SAP BI Mobile App for iOS a Web Intelligence report containing 2 charts linked by element linking is viewed. When an object is selected in the control chart and the filter button is pushed the second chart is correctly filtered for that object. The control chart resets to its default object or 'all objects'.
- SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence Platform (BI) 4.1
- SAP BI Mobile App
mobi, android, apple, iphone, ipad;
Column Chart; Column Chart with Two Y Axis; Combined Column Chart; Combined Column Chart with line with 2 Y Axes; Stacked Column Chart; 100% Stacked Column Chart; Bar Chart; Stacked Bar Chart; 100% Stacked Bar Chart; Line Chart; Line Chart with 2 Y Axes; Waterfall chart; Micro Bar and Line Charts; Pie Charts; Bubble Charts; , KBA , MOB-APP-BI-IOS , BI Mobile on iPad/iPhone , Product Enhancement
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