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2031697 - After upgrade to IQ 16.x insert into table results in 'Bad Block Number' Error - SAP IQ


Insert into a table could result in following error:
I. 06/11 00:13:09. 0000000028 Exception Thrown from oslib/hos_mvbio.cxx:888, Err# 3, tid 1392 origtid 1392
I. 06/11 00:13:09. 0000000028    O/S Err#: 0, ErrID: 521 (hos_mvbioexception); SQLCode: -1006125, SQLState: 'QBB25', Severity: 14
I. 06/11 00:13:09. 0000000028 [20363]: Bad block number 371239335 passed to object
-- (oslib/hos_mvbio.cxx 888)
I. 06/11 00:13:09. 0000000028 main Bufman: Bad block number; buffer={btype=7,nlb=16,blk=1,pbn=371239335,npb=3,uid=42763368,mn=6,upmn=6,flgs=0x80000018 page={btype=7,nlb=16,npb=3,ctr=136,cta=134,pbn=2690969225,t
I. 06/11 00:13:09. 0000000028 xn=91670352,sp=8,ver=1,pb=232,pus=1}. slib/s_trycatch.cxx:2483
I. 06/11 00:13:09. 0000000028 There was an s_buf::Read() error during s_bufman::Find().
I. 06/11 00:13:09. 0000000028 Exception Thrown from slib/s_blockmap.cxx:5414, Err# 0, tid 1392 origtid 1392
I. 06/11 00:13:09. 0000000028    O/S Err#: 0, ErrID: 2092 (s_invalidinputexception); SQLCode: -1006000, SQLState: 'QBA00', Severity: 23
I. 06/11 00:13:09. 0000000028 [20238]: IQ Internal error. Please report this to SAP IQ support.
-- (slib/s_blockmap.cxx 5414)
I. 06/11 00:13:09. 0000000028 Exception Thrown from slib/s_blockmap.cxx:5414, Err# 0, tid 3 origtid 1392
I. 06/11 00:13:09. 0000000028    O/S Err#: 0, ErrID: 2092 (s_invalidinputexception); SQLCode: -1006000, SQLState: 'QBA00', Severity: 23
I. 06/11 00:13:09. 0000000028 [20238]: IQ Internal error. Please report this to SAP IQ support.
-- (slib/s_blockmap.cxx 5414)

sp_iqcheckdb on the table will show corrupted indexes.



  • SAP IQ 16 GA
  • SAP IQ 16 SP01
  • SAP IQ 16 SP03
  • SAP IQ 16 SP04
  • SAP IQ 16 SP08


SAP IQ 16.0


Crash   , KBA , BC-SYB-IQ , Sybase IQ , Bug Filed

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